PC keeps freezing up


Feb 22, 2014
Within the last 2 weeks my PC has completely bugged out. I have had two of the components for 2 years (ish) now ,that is the CPU and Hardrive, and suddenly noticed that during the launching of a game of programme it would freeze up completely, windows would crash as a whole and I'd have to restart. Upon restarting sometimes it would say "Please plug in a valid boot device" or something similar which Im guessing is due to my Motherboard not detecting my Hardrive, I have had numerous other boot up issues but managed to use CMD commands to get past them. I recently installed some de fragmenting and registry fixing software which seems to have done the trick, Im just curious is its worth me buying a new hardrive and/or CPU?

>inb4 PC is bad

Specs are decent, just a case of heavy use now and again

PC does keep freezing but with less frequency, it keep tripping almost, even when I just try to right click...
Download something like Crystal Disk Info and use it to check the HDD SMART data, health and power on hours. This info will give you an idea if the HDD is old and failing or not. Also, backup all your stuff ASAP.


Nov 30, 2015

Hello Durrrr.
From what you've said it is most likely the problem to be something about the hard drive or a bug in the operating system. Nevertheless, I'd say you could get a new hard drive with a lot of memory and good speed for around 55$ and that would solve the problem. Here is the one I'm getting : Seagate Barracuda 1TB SATAIII 64MB (6GB/s).
I'm from Portugal and I'll buy it for 53,90€ but it might be cheaper or more expensive in other locations, I'm not sure.
The best of luck and I hope I could help.