SLI With different brands Same GPU (GTX 780)


Jan 1, 2014
I have had my Asus GTX 780 DCU IIfor about 2 years now and i just got a new 144hz monitor, the new games coming out i can barely hit 100fps on high, so what i was thinking was i could SLI but the thing is idk if these cards will work together. The additional card i was thinking of getting becuase it is the cheapest is the EVGA GTX780 FTW Graphics Card. So what im wondering is:

Will the EVGA FTW work with my current Asus GTX 780 DCU II

My current set up now:

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K 4.1 GHz
GFX Card: ASUS Direct CU II GTX 780
Motherboard: MSI Z97S Sli Krait Edition
Ram: 8Gb Generic DDR3 1600MHz
PSU: Corsair CX750M
SSD: Samsung 120Gb
HDD: WD Green 1TB

The reason i dont want to buy another ASUS card is because they are like £400+ and the EVGA one is only £200.

Thanks for reading.
Coming from someone who has sli 780's. very strong setup. Maxing out everything so far at 1080p with the exception of gta v. That x8msaa setting kills VRAM. On the flip side, R6 siege uses ALL 3gb of my VRAM when fully maxed out yet I have had 0 issues running the game at well over 60fps. Keep in mind, for sli you need a big case with awesome air flow or you'll run into throttling issues. Also, my 780's have different versions of vbios, one is A the other B but they're both evga cards. I've been running this sli setup for about 2 years and have had 0 reason to upgrade. At this point though you may be better off saving the cash for something like a 980ti as the 3gb VRAM on the 780's is starting to not be enough. Even at 1080p.

sammy sung

First and most imperatively, I would NOT attempt to SLI with that power supply. You're asking for bad things to happen.

Secondly, I haven't SLI'd in my personal towers since my 590 and that was obviously a dual card on a single pcb. I've read about many compatibility issues with SLI not using identical cards. I'd personally avoid the headache and go for the same thing, if it's available. Unless you overclock the set-up to the speed of the factory overclocked FTW card, you're not benefiting from it's speed anyway.

I've seen people SLI different 3rd party cards of the same thing, EG an ASUS 670 with an MSI 670, and work. But I've seen I can't count how many instances of people having failed SLI attempts with 7xx/9xx series. Mostly 970's where it can be as ridiculous as a difference in cooler.


Jan 1, 2014

i can always change the PSU but the thing is my 780 is a GK110 and the EVGA is a GK110 B


Jan 1, 2014

What games have you been playing? just curious, never had a game max out vram on me


Nov 15, 2014
Coming from someone who has sli 780's. very strong setup. Maxing out everything so far at 1080p with the exception of gta v. That x8msaa setting kills VRAM. On the flip side, R6 siege uses ALL 3gb of my VRAM when fully maxed out yet I have had 0 issues running the game at well over 60fps. Keep in mind, for sli you need a big case with awesome air flow or you'll run into throttling issues. Also, my 780's have different versions of vbios, one is A the other B but they're both evga cards. I've been running this sli setup for about 2 years and have had 0 reason to upgrade. At this point though you may be better off saving the cash for something like a 980ti as the 3gb VRAM on the 780's is starting to not be enough. Even at 1080p.


Jan 1, 2014

Thank you very much