Is Pine-O-Clean good for cleaning thermal paste?


Nov 20, 2015
I am building my pc and I have some thermal paste. I want to replace the one on my heatsink but I dont have any alcohol and i cbb to go to my local pharmacy. I do have some pine-o-clean wipes but im not sure if they are gud. By the way, I have the stock intel heatsink.
just wipe whatever you can off with a sturdy paper towel. Even if the CPU isn't 100 percent clean it won't really effect the temps. I'm assuming pino-o-clean wipes are for polishing wood. There is no telling what additives it will leave behind.
I'd agree with the others, just grab some isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Not sure what other things may be in those wipes that could leave a residue behind. Alcohol removes any thermal paste clear to the metal and leaves no residue which is why it's preferred. It also evaporates very rapidly leaving no moisture behind (which is crucial). Coffee filters work well or any lint free cloth. Paper towels in a pinch but like Signall mentioned they can quickly disintegrate and leave little bits of lint/material behind.

Disinfectant wipes doesn't mean no residue, it just means it disinfects. Soap can also do this and leave behind soap residue. Not sure what's involved in the lemon scent, any chance of citrus oils or anything. Not a big deal for countertops, may not be the best for a cpu.
While I'm not necessarily recommending it, technically the wipes should work fine, though ideally a 90% isopropyl alcohol solution works best as it's the best concentration to easily remove paste (a lower concentration just means it's slightly harder to wipe the paste off.)

They contain:
- ethanol
- benzalkonium chloride

The ethanol is the solvent and the second ingredient is what kills germs. So basically the ethanol would evaporate and be useful similar to isopropyl alcohol. All in all it would probably work fine and also smell pretty.