Final overclock build, looking for tips


Dec 2, 2015

This is my latest version of the PC I am going to build. I'm looking for some tips or advice on how it's balanced/built. I I don't know much about cpu coolers and if anyone knows about them, please please leave a comment on how it looks. Everything else has been checked and I am comfortable with it all. But if anything looks like it could be better, I would love to hear it. I will be using this PC for gaming and school work. No streaming or video editing. The games will mostly be single player, but I will be playing some multiplayer games like over watch, possibly battlefront, evolve maybe.
Again, any advice is greatly appreciated. :)

P.S Would I want to overclock immediately when I get everything, or wait until my PC starts to get dated, then overclock it then?
Looks good. I would do some overclocking from that start. You need to know what your CPU is capable of. You can then choose to run it at stock, but I would likely run it at 4.6Ghz as a decent small speed improvement with more available if temperature and voltage allows. When I get an overclockable chip I want to know what I have, even if I mostly run it at stock and save the overclock for later. Tuning th overclock and optimizing it is hours of harmless fun too. :)
Looks good. I would do some overclocking from that start. You need to know what your CPU is capable of. You can then choose to run it at stock, but I would likely run it at 4.6Ghz as a decent small speed improvement with more available if temperature and voltage allows. When I get an overclockable chip I want to know what I have, even if I mostly run it at stock and save the overclock for later. Tuning th overclock and optimizing it is hours of harmless fun too. :)