Really weird network speed issues???


So I have Time warner cable and a plan of 50/5 all wired connection. When I speed test I almost always get 60/6 (I know I love them so much, but don't ever tell your provider that or they walk over you).

Well I wanted a simple streaming program for audio and video that didn't require opening up the firewall for special ports, is secure, no forever fees and reasonable price, and streams off my computer. I found which it works perfectly you can buy it from them for $30 or I bought a keycode off amazon for about $13; it lasts for life.

So during the process of using this program, I also have a network speed monitor and I noticed some funny things. The pogoplug program was given access to far faster upload speeds then the rest of the computer! On pogoplug streaming I can use 12mbs of upload speed, whereas I only get 6 on speed tests, or any other sort of uploading. Also my network isn't supposed to be more then 5mbs, I understand 6, but 12 mbs? How does this program get access to these speeds that my other traffic can't? Also in case you think it is an issue with my speed monitor, I am streaming a 1080p medium quality from my pc to my phone. I really don't believe it would only lie for a certain program ad on top of that I don't think you can fit that quality in 5-6 mbs. Clearly this is a good thing for my use and I don't want to ask my ISP for fear of losing it, but does anyone have an answer as to why this program gets extra speed more then twice what I pay for?

PS: Time warner cable doesn't offer any faster speeds in my state, so where is the speed coming from?

If it's 12Mb/s over your WAN using only this application, then I would suspect only your ISP would know the reason.



You didn't specify if the results are from streaming within your LAN our from outside of it.

For streaming to devices within your LAN, transfer speeds are not determined by your ISP speed, but by the capabilities of your own network devices.



I am streaming from my home internet to my LTE Tmobile phone. Wifi is confirmed off and data is being used.



If it's 12Mb/s over your WAN using only this application, then I would suspect only your ISP would know the reason.



And there is no way in heck I am asking them why I am getting faster internet. :D thanks anyways.