Putting two routers on the same LAN


Jun 10, 2014
I currently have two routers. One is a MirkoTik which I'm using as the master router. The other is a Netgear N600 WNDR3400(v2). I would like to keep the MikroTik as my primary router because it has much better granular control over the network. I would like to use the Netgear as a switch and a WiFi access point, since it has 5G capabilities. This is where I run into problems.

The only way I've been able to make it work is to go from the LAN port on the master to the WAN port on the slave. I don't like this because it splits my LAN into two different networks. When I try to put the LAN and WAN into the same subnet, the router won't allow it. The only way it works is to create a LAN on a different address range than the one provided by the master router. I've tried to hook up the master and slave LAN to LAN. This works partially. The wired connections function like they are suppose to, but it seems that the WiFi is not bridged and is showing no internet connection. When I log into the router's web interface, it shows the internet as having no connection because there is nothing plugged into the WAN port.

Has anyone else been successful at setting up a Netgear N600 as a secondary router on the same network? I really appreciate the help.
Why does the standard trick of cable lan-lan , disable dhcp on the AP router, change the ip on the AP router to not conflict with primary...not work.


Jun 10, 2014
I figured before I responded I would try to do it exactly like you said, and it worked. I think the WiFi was having issues earlier because I wasn't being patient and allowing the router to reboot to propagate the new configuration. Once I did that, everything fell into place. I really appreciate your help with this. I also had some issues where I was mixing up my LAN and WAN ports. For anyone trying to do this in the future, set it up and give the routers time to change their settings and reboot fully.