i5 3570K and a graphics card??


Dec 15, 2015
I don't really have a need for this CPU's integrated graphics. So is there a way to only use a different GPU? Also is this CPU still a good contender in the i5 line? I have an offer from one of my friends for one of these for $100.
If it is any help, I am wanting to play games like arma 3, and fallout 4. Would this CPU be able to handle it? Along with this GPU: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-gtx970gaming4g.

I am trying to put together a budget build with decent settings and the ability to last a while to keep up with the new games. Thanks!
Yes, a GTX 970 and a 3570k will be a great combination for gaming. Pay no attention to the integrated graphics chip, you just disable that in your settings and use the discrete GPU.