Does a motherboard exist for my ideal GPU compute build? (I need serial ports...)


Dec 3, 2015
I need an ATX or E-ATX motherboard with a Xeon E5 V3 CPU socket that will give me the following capabilities:

  • ■ 4 serial ports (2 of which must be connected directly to mobo, two of which can be through PCI slot or usb-to-serial device such as this.)
    ■ 4 ethernet ports
    ■ 4 PCI-E 3.0 x 16 slots, three for double-slot compute GPUs and one for a single-slot GPU (for display)
    ■ at least 2 usb 3.0 ports
So, 4 ethernet ports, 4 serial ports, 3 2-slot GPUs, and a single-slot GPU for video. I don't want to take up PCI slots with the ethernet ports or serial ports.

I've found several mobos that will let me have close to this. For instance, the Gigabyte MW50-SV0 gives me everything I want provided that I sacrifice one 2-slot GPU. The problem is that on that board, if I use 3 2-slot GPUs, the fourth PCI slot which I would use for the video card is covered. Bummer.

I've looked for a while and can't find one. Anyone have any ideas?