Data packets from New York to Frankfurt


Jun 29, 2014
If I am sending a file e.g. a 100 page Word document from, for examples sake, a computer in New York to a computer in Frankfurt. Where does the routing of that file get decided?. Is the routing decided by my router or is the routing decided along the way?
This is not unlike sending a parcel, the shipper decides what routes it takes and it's fairly automatic, and there are several "shippers" along the way. Technical it's desirable to send it through the less congested, but not necessarily the fastest route.



Your 'router' simply routes it from your PC or house LAN, to your ISP. After that, it is out of your hands.

For fun, open an admin command prompt, and see what tracert does.
tracert (or wherever)

This will show you the hops between you and them.


Jun 29, 2014
Yeah, I've done seen that before and its pretty interesting the "hops" that a data packet will make
even faster than your Jet!

Thanks for your input and good evening.
Our home routers are the dumb version of ISP's industrial routers. Ours only have 2 ports, the WAN and the LAN sides, and its only job is to pass information between the 2 ports. It doesn't see what's beyond the nearest router, most likely the ISP junction down the street and that's it.

Between you and the server you are contacting, go through at least 2 ISP "clouds" with perhaps dozens of ISP routers which you have no control over. The ISP routers have more intelligence and are able to "talk" amongst themselves to pick the most efficient route within their own cloud.

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