CSGO Low FPS | GTX 970 | AMD Athlon II X3 450 | 8 GB Ram |


Jan 12, 2016
For whatever reason when I launch csgo I only get around 80 fps while playing.
I see many other people getting much higher fps with the same rig.
I haven't overclocked but I have updated the drivers for the gtx 970 as I have recently purchased it. I set everything to performance based and yet I still get low fps and Im confused.
Any help would be appreciated
I wouldn't believe everything you hear or read about others with your old CPU and modern gxf card getting "much higher fps" than you. The Athlon triple core is not going to be able to keep up with the GTX 970. CPU bottleneck, that's called. If you get "only" 80 fps, consider yourself lucky. I'll bet you are playing on a 60 Hz monitor, right?


I wouldn't believe everything you hear or read about others with your old CPU and modern gxf card getting "much higher fps" than you. The Athlon triple core is not going to be able to keep up with the GTX 970. CPU bottleneck, that's called. If you get "only" 80 fps, consider yourself lucky. I'll bet you are playing on a 60 Hz monitor, right?