Star Wars Battlefront or R6:S


Nov 26, 2014
Hi guys, I want to know what game should I get. Battlefront or R6:S. I love star wars a lot but I heard bad reviews about it, but I also love tactical shooters such as CS:GO. That is why I am planning on wanting Siege since it is like cs:go but better. I need help guys I don't know what to get. CS:GO log in 400 hours already and I want a different game like it, but I also I am a huge star wars fan, but I want a game that will be worth the purchase. Please help guys. Thanks!
Both games are multiplayer only titles that probably be ghost towns within a year, so neither of probably worth getting at full price. If you have to throw your money at one, Rainbow Six Siege supposedly has more depth to it, though not a huge number of maps, so it is kind of like Battlefront in the regard of lack of content. Either way, people are likely to get bored of them quickly so you might not have many people to play with in a few months.


Nov 26, 2014

Thanks I'll keep that in mind, but I still want a game from either rainbow six or star wars.
Both games are multiplayer only titles that probably be ghost towns within a year, so neither of probably worth getting at full price. If you have to throw your money at one, Rainbow Six Siege supposedly has more depth to it, though not a huge number of maps, so it is kind of like Battlefront in the regard of lack of content. Either way, people are likely to get bored of them quickly so you might not have many people to play with in a few months.


Nov 26, 2014

You might be right, I think I'll get rainbow six. If I get at least 120 Hours of game play then my payment was worth it if not then damn I wasted money.