need help ugrading!


Feb 19, 2015
hi there i need some help i want to upgrade since my computer is decent but i want more any help would be great. i am seeing okay performance but i would like more
cpu: amd a10 5800k
gpu: radeon r9 270x
mobo: ASRock FM2A75M-ITX
ram: not to sure but 16 gb :p
case:fractal design mini itx[can get a new one if i need more space]
stock cooling

if you need more info to help me please let me know anything would help someone said a i5 would be a big upgrade and i compared and couldnt see that much of a diffrence but i might have not been looking at the right one
also im kinda new to this but any help is accepted good bad or ugly
Yes an new i5 would be a huge cpu upgrade for you. But you would need to upgrade the motherboard and possible ram too depending on what generation of i5 you look at. You could try overclocking your current cpu for 15-30% boost of performance depending on how lucky you are. Other things are buying a better gpu.
Yes an new i5 would be a huge cpu upgrade for you. But you would need to upgrade the motherboard and possible ram too depending on what generation of i5 you look at. You could try overclocking your current cpu for 15-30% boost of performance depending on how lucky you are. Other things are buying a better gpu.