AMD Crimson Driver Keeps Crashing




A few weeks ago I updated the Crimson 15.12 Driver to 16.1 Hotfix because Raptr suggested me to do so. Had a few problems with the driver crashing once a day when I started Dota 2. I thought it would get fixed soon enough. But nope.

So I did a full uninstall (even used the Guru3D software to do the safe mode complete uninstall), downloaded the 16.1 driver from the website and installed it. Now the problem has been tripled! Crashes on every game I try to run atleast once or twice. Sometimes more!

I have reverted back to 15.12 for now but is there any recommended method to install 16.1 Hotfix correctly?
Thanks in advance!

P.S - The card is Sapphire R9 270X Dual-X OC 2GB and OS is Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit
Usually you shouldn't be seeing the issues you are having even if you did do a dirty install, that is without uninstall the previous drivers first.

The correct process to install drivers is

> Uninstall old drivers while in safe mode then restart the PC
> Install new drives while in safe mode then restart the PC

AMD has the driver auto-update built into the new drivers so you no longer need to install Raptr. In addition it could be causing issues so I'd advise that you not install it the next time. Raptr isn't developed by AMD so it isn't always going to work perfectly with the latest drivers


Mar 29, 2015
When im changin between perspective scale and full panel in the crimson driver - my driver crashes like 5 minuts after, then my game im playing tabbing out, and im dead when im ingame again.... someone help

I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you are saying. By "perspective scale and full panel" do you mean windowed and full screen? The options you mentioned aren't in the settings panel. Also, are you changing these settings while the game is running?


Mar 29, 2015

Yep windowed and full screen.

but it's called something else in the crimson driver. :) but yea, the game is running while im doing it, but the game aren't crashing only the driver

It's probably because you are running the game while changing the settings in the driver. What's most likely happening is the driver is attempting to access the file but it's already in use because it is running. Does the same issue occur if you try to change the settings when the game isn't running?


So I did a full clean installation of 16.1.1, hasn't helped one bit. Unless XCOM 2 is highly un-optimized the driver crashes even more frequently. As high as 5 times in an hour!
Just once on Dota 2 though, but still a problem because it could crash during a ranked game and I could get an abandon or something :<