Bitcoin mining for a Noob


Feb 4, 2016
My Birthdays coming up soon, and I recently finished my PC build, so I'm not sure what to get.
I want to try something new and start bitcoin mining.
My goal is to get some numbers to feel some satisfaction. I don't care about Profit, or breaking even, I don't want a lot. Maybe like 2 cents a night.a

Would getting some USB Block Eruptors miners be good?

If not what, other USB miners will give me some numbers to be proud of?
(I really like USB winners cause they look cool)

Can someone do some real life estimates on how much 2 Block Erruptors, or other suggested one could make me?

Should I just scrap Bitcoin mining?
This is a last resort. If these winners would make me nothing, I might just scrap it.

Are there USB Scrypt Miners?

Also, I'm currently using a 550W PSU. Would this be a problem?

Thanks Ahead!


The Bitcoin algorithm makes each successive BC more difficult to extract. Even though there are about 7,000,000 left to mine, I've read for a couple of years a number of posts and articles that Bitcoin mining can no longer repay even the cost of the electricity much less the rows of AMD R9's. There was a special, very elaborate GPU computing Bitcoin setup in Iceland that runs off almost free geothermal power and it is barely profitable.

There have been some recent regulatory decisions regarding virtual currency and announcements of new ones. You might try a bit of Bitcoin to learn the process. Follow the announcements and on the day a new VC is ready, and jump in with both feet. At the moment it appears it would be far more profitable to sell horse-drawn plow repair kits.


