Is it true that a Hard Drive will get damaged if I shake it ?


Aug 9, 2015
The real danger from shock is when the platter is spinning and the head isn't parked. With the drive in shipping the head is parked and the platter is obviously stationary, so there is no possibility for the head to strike the platter surface.

Typically drives that are powered down can sustain greater than 300G's of force before they are in danger of damage.
Anything is possible, but this is not generally an issue. The drive is packed and cushioned for the shipping. The drive also gets parked so the platter will not damaged. In addition, these drives are designed to survive minor shocks, and usually do.

In short, I would not lose sleep over it. Worst case scenario is the drive arrives dead, and you RMA it.
The real danger from shock is when the platter is spinning and the head isn't parked. With the drive in shipping the head is parked and the platter is obviously stationary, so there is no possibility for the head to strike the platter surface.

Typically drives that are powered down can sustain greater than 300G's of force before they are in danger of damage.


OP, you gotta expand your world view. Your drive probably started its journal from a tricycle in Vietnam, a careless UPS man is but a minor annoyance.

Some vendor has a "White Glove" service. I laugh because I've been involved with shipping companies. Oh sure, I imagine an English butler specifically assigned to the item, escorts it from the factory and cradles it on his lap until it's dropped off on your doors, no minimum waged employees are allowed near it. Ha!

LOL- I am picturing the hard drive arriving in a Rolls Royce, along with a case of Grey Poupon.




you can have anything you want - as long as you pay for it!



That's like the "Professional Assembly", "Ultra Care", and "Professional Wiring".
People think guys in white lab coats, when in reality, it is the 19 year old intern, with 2 weeks on the job, working through a Monday morning hangover.