Is this good enough for 720p gaming?


Feb 25, 2016
Hey guys newby here so i hopefully posted in the right category. I dont have a lot of money to spend but i like gaming and wanted to ask if the following components would be good enough for 1366x768 high settings gaming. Games are from 2014 to 2016(hopefully).
Build 1- Pentium g3240, GTX750ti, 4gb ram
Build 2-Penitum g3240, GTX750(non ti), 8gb ram
Build 3- Core i3 4160, GTX 750(non ti), 4gb ram
Build 4-Core i5 4460, GT730, 2gb ram
It will take me 6-8 months to buy a GPU and ram for the core i5 if i get it and i guess i can play 2012-2014 games during that period. What do you guys recommend?
Aug 25, 2015
Please get the core i5 4440 and the gtx 750ti...i5 4440 is almost/same as that of i5 4460 with no noticeable difference and will also save your 10 bucks. Add those bucks up a bit and get the gtx 750ti instead . It will give you high fps in 720p at medium to high settings. Thats it. Any i5 that is a quadcore with atleast 3 GHz is a beast for gaming (2012-2014). Gtx 750ti will assist it greatly. Get 8 gb of ram....not much price difference with 4GB ( just 15-20 $ more)
I have an i5 4460 and an MSI GTX 970 4GB and i can do pretty much maxed 1080p 60FPS, you might as well save up and get the best card for your system such as a GTX 960 or 970 so you don't have to upgrade your GPU for a long while as the 750ti may need replacing soon in about 6 months - 1year.


Feb 25, 2016
Thanks for the replies guys. I can have the core i3 4160 gtx 750ti. 8gb ram by waiting 2 months. The other option as Wayfall said is i get the Core i5 4460 and a gtx 950 (960 is just too expensive where im from) and get 8gb ram. That would mean putting off getting a PC for 6 months minimum but i guess is more future proof. Or i could still get the i3 4160,8gb ram and the GTX 970 in the same time period. Andrei N also has a point with what he suggests. I have a weak celeron 1000m laptop and it plays far cry 3 on 1366x768 with everything else on low. So i thought a core i5 and an expensive card would be overkill for 720p.
Also something to note is that you first said you'd like a build for 720p gaming but if you went for the i5 4460 GTX 970 combo you could do full 1080p.

What monitor have you got or are going to get?

Read this for 720p on a 1080p display:

Also you NEED 8GB of RAM if you want to play big games. The most i have seen my RAM use in a game was 3.2GB and i have 2x4GB of RAM. Windows take about 1GB on the side for itself so if you had 4GB you'd be rather limited.


Feb 25, 2016
Okay so ill get i3, 8gb ram and gtx 750ti or gtx 950 if i can find it at the right price. That should be 720p High qulatity if im correct. Thanks to everyone for your input. :)


Feb 25, 2016
Sorry my browser didnt update the messages Wayfall. My monitor is 720p unfortunately but ive always gamed on such resolutions and a 1080p monitor new here is 2700rand in South africa which is why i was trying to stick to 720p gaming rig lol. If i did go the core i5 route i guess i would have a gaming PC for a really long time with a 720p monitor haha.