IBM Lenovo Thinkpad T42P-2378 RVU Fan


May 14, 2015
I have a question about fan replacement for the Thinkpad T42P. It is a long fan assembly and the fan FRU is 13R2657. The label on the fan housing says

DC brushless
DC 5V 0.4A

I have been looking for replacement parts on ebay. They all seem to be 5V but the amps vary from 0.3A to 0.19A. I rarely see one that is eactly 0.4A unless it has been pulled from an old system and then it is usually too expensive to bother. My question: Are the amps variable as long as the new fan doesn't draw more amps than the original. My original draws 0.4A but the replacements draw less. Will this cause a problem? (My electronics expertise is limited)

Also I see that many replacement fan housings (just the silver part and the fan) are much cheaper but it doesn't look like the tabs that hold the housing to heat sink would fit. Has anyone had any experience with this. How do you insert rectangular tabs into round holes (the ol' Apollo 13 problem!)

Yes. The fan will only draw what it needs and no more. There will be no problem with it. For the tabs, if they are what I'm thinking, just push them right in.