Operating system on SSD or HDD?


Mar 2, 2016
I have recently Purchased a 128GB SSD for my gaming rig and am wondering which of the following i should do;

A. OS and Games onto the SSD, and all programmes and media onto the HDD
B. Just games onto the SSD everything else on HDD
C. Any other suggestion

Im currently running with option A and i can only fit 2 games on at any one time

(in hindsight, i should have splashed out on a larger SSD lol)

Thanks in advance
Option A. Windows is much more responsive on a ssd.

And, with ssd prices now reasonable, why not buy a 240 or even 500gb ssd.
Put your games there also.
Use your hard drive for bulk storage.
Samsung is good, and you can use their ssd migration utility to transfer to the new ssd.