Corsair M65 Mouse Right Click Broken?? HELP!


Mar 14, 2016
Hello, i have been using the corsair m65 rgb mouse for around 6-8 months. It is an amazing mouse that is built extremely well. However, recently, the right click has been acting up. The right click side is noticeably lower than the left, you can tell by looking the mouse head on. Also, the mouse only registers when i click right in the center of the right side. I think a piece of plastic or something broke in the mouse, leading the right side to become depressed. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have not dropped it as i can remember, so i dont know what could have happened to it....

Thanks in advance!!!!!
Corsair should still honor it no problem, they themselves offer the warranty on their products. So as long as you bought it new they are responsible.
That sounds like an issue not really fixable on your own. A problem with either the switch, or spring.


Mar 14, 2016

But the mouse is relatively new, any other suggestions? is there a way to repair it? thanks

As Gam3r01 said, might as well just replace it outright since it's still in warranty


Mar 14, 2016

The gap on the right side is approximately half of the left side. I have to click directly in the center in order for a click to register. I purchased the mouse on Amazon, so I do not know if the warranty applies to it (I did not purchase a warranty)
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it
Corsair should still honor it no problem, they themselves offer the warranty on their products. So as long as you bought it new they are responsible.
That sounds like an issue not really fixable on your own. A problem with either the switch, or spring.

If it's directly from amazon (not market), then it should be fine, though you'll need to contact Corsair about it. Doesn't take too long