My GTX 970 overclocked itself


Feb 28, 2015
I tried to benchmark my GTX 970 FTW and something weird had happened, for unknown reason the GPU TDP was 150% and the temp was 80c resulting an average FPS of 73 instead of 68. what might be the cause(s) of this bizarreness and is this bad for the GPU?
Your card is supposed to run at 80c with it's Turbo Boost algorithms. With Turbo Boost, your card will adjust clock speeds, voltages, and fan speeds in order to approach and maintain that normal operating temperature, called the "Temp Limit" in Afterburner or PrecisionX. So your card will overclock itself up to 80c and then revert back to stock speeds when it hits 80c.
Your card is supposed to run at 80c with it's Turbo Boost algorithms. With Turbo Boost, your card will adjust clock speeds, voltages, and fan speeds in order to approach and maintain that normal operating temperature, called the "Temp Limit" in Afterburner or PrecisionX. So your card will overclock itself up to 80c and then revert back to stock speeds when it hits 80c.