Haswell vs. skylake


Jul 21, 2015
I'm building a new system and wandering if I should go new with skylake, or save money with haswell and get a better GPU. If I go haswell I will have I5 4690k. If skylake an i5 6600k. Also will the performance gains of skylake out weigh performance of a better GPU.
thank you.
The only advantages skylake has is ddr4 RAM and a future proof platform. Skylake doesn't OC that great and is on the expensive side for some not-that-great performance.

Haswell OC's very nicely, and although it has only ddr3 you won't notice that difference when GAMING.

I'd choose haswell and OC, but really its up to you. It isn't worth the money at all to go skylake.


Aug 27, 2015
The only advantages skylake has is ddr4 RAM and a future proof platform. Skylake doesn't OC that great and is on the expensive side for some not-that-great performance.

Haswell OC's very nicely, and although it has only ddr3 you won't notice that difference when GAMING.

I'd choose haswell and OC, but really its up to you. It isn't worth the money at all to go skylake.
With Skylake now available, there is absolutely no question in my mind that a new build should be Skylake.
a. Prices for cpu, z170 motherboard and ddr4 ram are almost precisely the same.
b. Skylake has an estimated 5-10% performance improvement per clock over haswell.
c. 14nm runs cooler, you get a decent overclock without the need for exotic cooling.
d. The Z170 chipset permits the use of much faster ssd devices on the horizon. Samsung 950 pro for example:
e. skylake can be upgraded in the future to kaby lake.

skylake oc statistics.
As of 2/16/16
What percent can get an overclock at a somewhat sane 1.40v
4.9 3% when delidded
4.8 38%
4.7 70%
4.6 83%

4.8 18%
4.7 56%
4.6 87%
4.5 100%


The difference between the two CPUs is $35 ($255 vs $220). If you have a choice between two GPUs that is $35 and would be noticeable, then by all means go with the more powerful and more expensive GPU and use the 4690K. If you don't actually have a choice between two GPUs, then I'd just choose the GPU I want and see what the 6600K ends up costing versus 4690K once you add the motherboard and RAM.

Performance wise they're basically the same, maybe a slight nod to the 6600K. Future proof is nonsense - doesn't exist. But the Z170 offers M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 while the Z97 does not so if that form of SSD is something you'll want in the next 2-3 years, the Z170 (and X99) is your only choice today.
I'd recommend a non-OC CPU instead. With the amount of money you'd spend on a larger power supply, better cooler, overclocking motherboard, and K CPU "tax", it might actually be cheaper to go with a Haswell 4 core 8 thread Xeon, or even a Skylake i7 6700.

Overclocking is great if shooting for max performance or if you do it as a hobby, but it doesn't offer a lot of value these days.