Asus VII Hero 3-way SLI?I

Food for thought: even if you did have a motherboard that could use full 3-way PCIe SLI support, it has been shown over and over that third card hits a major wall of diminished returns in scaling.

For example, if a second GPU for SLI is added, the increase in performance might be 1.75x (losing 25% in scaling when on paper two cards should be 2.0x, or double performance in scaling). The third card added to SLI might only add 1.35x the performance over SLI, losing 65% again in what theoretically should overall be 3x the performance with three cards. That's a huge waste of money.

Guru3D did just this experiment with 2-way and 3-way SLI scaling of a GTX 980:,1.html . You...
Food for thought: even if you did have a motherboard that could use full 3-way PCIe SLI support, it has been shown over and over that third card hits a major wall of diminished returns in scaling.

For example, if a second GPU for SLI is added, the increase in performance might be 1.75x (losing 25% in scaling when on paper two cards should be 2.0x, or double performance in scaling). The third card added to SLI might only add 1.35x the performance over SLI, losing 65% again in what theoretically should overall be 3x the performance with three cards. That's a huge waste of money.

Guru3D did just this experiment with 2-way and 3-way SLI scaling of a GTX 980:,1.html . You are much better off for the money (and power, heat, etc.) getting two higher performing cards. Of course, if you already have three GPUs, that point is moot!