Game Leaking/Running out of Memory


Aug 21, 2014
Ever since I found and battled a nasty DNS Unlocker virus on my computer, the game Black Ops 3 has been stuttering and eventually crashing, returning a "Windows has run out of memory" error. I tried every result specific to the game I could find on google, and nothing ended up working. They only thing that did work was uninstalling the game completely and reinstalling, but after 4-5 hours of play time the stuttering slowly comes back until the game eventually crashes again, forcing me to uninstall and reinstall again. I am running on 8 GB of memory, which works fine for the rest of my friends and apparently the rest of the game community, plus the game ran just fine for about 3 months until now, so I don't think my memory is the problem, unless it was corrupted or damaged somehow. If anyone knows of any solution please speak up, I'm desperate here and am furious at not being able to play my favorite game.

PC Specs:
8 GB Memory
Asus R9 270
(PC is prebuilt, Acer Aspire ME600)

Crucial Scan Results

Windows 8 or newer will have the key integrated into the computer's BIOS.

There should be a utility on your computer to make a recovery disc or something that will reinstall Windows without asking for the key.
Uninstalling the game won't do anything, you're going to need to back up all your important files and wipe your HDD.
The virus sounds like a registry attached virus, these are typically very hard for scanners to pick up, and will come back after being removed.
Probably the only fix tbh.


Aug 21, 2014

If I haven't purchased a copy of windows because it came installed on the computer, how do I reinstall after the wipe? Or does the wipe not include the OS?

Windows 8 or newer will have the key integrated into the computer's BIOS.

There should be a utility on your computer to make a recovery disc or something that will reinstall Windows without asking for the key.

Can confirm this.
PCs with windows pre-installed are OEM installs in most cases.
This means windows only installs once, but it attaches itself to the computer's motherboard bios, meaning that it will reinstall provided you wipe the HDD through the correct methods.