How to force certain games to run on a different graphics card?


Mar 23, 2016
So basically I've got the original splinter cell trilogy on steam however with the first and second game there are known shader/shadow issues and bugs. Patches wont fix. I had heard this issue was due to the games not running on today's hardware (I have an R9 380 4GB). I was thinking that if I purchased a lower end video card that runs the games, it would be easier than purchasing a PS3, headset and a TV to connect it to just to play the hd remakes.

Is there a way to force steam games or any games for that matter to use either Intel HD graphics 4600 or an older graphics card if I installed one, whilst my other games used my usual R9 380?

Just change your monitor connection from gpu to your mobo? (To use intel integrated gpu). Btw old games should work on newer card. Not sure about radeon (haven't using them since my 4550 which is during DX10 era) but my geforce able to work with old games like the original starcraft just fine. And back in 2012 GCN based card do have flickering problem on all DX9 based game. So maybe radeon does not fare well with older games?


Mar 23, 2016

Of course my older games work on my new card :) but my R9 380 struggles to run the game WITHOUT graphical shadow and shader glitches due to Dx11 and Windows 8.1. Windows XP and a Dx9.0 card would run it, so im going to buy a seperate SSD for my PC with Windows XP and disable my regular GPU in device manager so I can run the games using an older card and OS. CPU and RAM don't matter. Someone else on found the solution, but thanks :D