Is this 980 Ti worth the money

Wait for Polaris or Pascal, they are just around the corner. They will both feature HBM2 technology.

To simply answer your question, it's not worth it right now.


Feb 23, 2016
If you have nothing then a 980 ti isn't bad. If you are already gaming okay and just looking for an upgrade, then yes wait. The problem though with Polaris or Pascal is we don't know the release date, and in which manner they will release the cards. So you could only see the high end $1000+ cards out quickly but wait months for something similar to a 970 type price point, then maybe up to a year for something in the 980ti price point. The don't show off the cards at a trade show then release the entire lineup within days. They release around 3 products and go from there over the next year or two.



Dec 19, 2015
Also Pascals rumoured to release only its flagship cards with HBM2, the initial released cards will come with GDDR5/GDDR5X variant. First card will possibly be the X80 probably sometime in May with other cards to follow much later in the year. Again this is all speculation until everything is announced in April

You will be pleasantly happy with a 980TI for years to come regardless of Pascals release, it is a powerhouse of a card.


Jun 17, 2015
Hmmm I would say wait, 980ti best atm for dx11... Dx12 is coming in though and amd cards almost half the price getting same performance. But dx 11 will still be here for the main part for a while yet :/ maybe the next generation of card will be better future considering. As with things changing to dx12 the 980ti will get left behind quicker than the 980ti left its predicessors behind. Im sure nvidias next release will be more suited to dx12 and stick a finger up at amd again but untill then buying a gpu atm is tough as things are in transition softwae wise but the hardware is just behind a little untill team green and red release there next releases.

May also depend what res you playing at? 1080p and 980ti will be more than fine for a long time!

But ye basically what im trying to say is that if dx11 was here to stay then nothing beats it but things are in a slow transition atm :/ hell if you can afford to shell out the same amount for a new gpu in a years time then go for it :p lol. But as said at 1080p it would still perform 60fps or more for atleast a few years I would imagine


Dec 9, 2014

Ok thanks, how will I know when they are out or which GPU had it? Are they different architectures?


Sep 11, 2014
They are scheduled this release this year for sure, no concrete date yet. Completely different architecture, and memory technology for the flagship lineup.

The 980ti will probably still last you a long time, but why spend your money on that when the new cards are around the corner, which will be better optimized for DX12.


Dec 19, 2015
Nvidia is not getting left in the dust with DX12, if you have read lately the benchmark for ashes was completely 1 sided and explicitly was in favor of AMD Async compute. Other benchmarks have come out since then proving The current Maxwell cards will still keep the current standings whether it be DX11 or DX12. As of right now no card utilizes all features of DX12 so things can change with Pascal and Polaris when released but your hopes of a cheaper AMD GPU beating out a 980TI have been diminished.