Does the quality of thermal paste and how you apply matter


Jan 29, 2016
I know the subject been quite debatable and people who buy expensive thermal paste according to my research are plainly stupid cuz I have been searching a lot of forum and what I have learned so far is that about applying if you applied with 99% precision then also you will gain 2-3 C less temp then the person who applied the thermal just for the sake of it....also the best way to apply is just a small size on the middle of the die.....but what about the material well people even had used toothpaste and peanut butter and the result were identical if you use the very expensive thermal paste but you can't apply toothpaste or peanut butter cuz it gets dried up quickly so we come to the conclusion that yeah even the most cheapest thermal paste which would cost 1 cent if possible will do the same job then the thermal paste which costs 100$ but 100$ paste wouldn't dry up easily where the cheaper ones tend to.

Bottoming it really doesn't matter how you apply it and which kinda paste you use it

So don't be fooled by people pushing you to buy expensive paste as it's not worth it

What you guys think
The most effective thermal paste?
Anything made with Absurdium, and sold by this company:

Just make sure that you don't mistake the thermal paste for denture adhesive :rofl:

Thermal paste will probably have a refreshing chill, but maybe Arctic Silver Alumina Thermal Adhesive will work? It does have a similar thermal signature and bond strength, so you don't have to worry about your nickel coated aluminum denture falling out of your palete.

For some reason any mention of thermal paste other than proper application techniques remind me of the old "Monster Cable or coat hanger" experiment