Trackball buyers guide

Rom Hook

Apr 16, 2015
I was considering purchasing a trackball for some time now to do the 3d modeling. The problem with trackballs is that the ones that are most popular are pretty basic devices that are barely good enough for internet browsing.
What I need is something with a lot of extra buttons and a scroll wheel so the one that will probably suit my needs would be the Elecom M-DT1DRBK. The only possible problem with it is that the ball is kind of small, but does it really affect the accuracy in a negative way? I can't find any articles that might answer this question, googling for the "trackball size, does it meter" gives funny but irrelevant results. Thanks!
I usually go for the ones that have the ball off to the side so that I can roll it with my thumb and use my two fingers on their respective buttons. But the problem is that these kinds are usually more basic...

I'll leave that piece of advice and leave the question open to anyone with more experience in the field of trackballs.

Rom Hook

Apr 16, 2015
Thanks for all the answers. Most likely you can reprogram the forward and back buttons with AutoHotKey.
Apparently the M570 ball diameter is the same as the Elecom. I'll probably go for Elecom since it has a lot more buttons on it.
Another trackball that would probably fit my needs is the Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman. I'm guessing they don't make those anymore and the ones that are still available are way out of my price range. Would be great if they've updated this model.


I use a mouse at work and a trackball at home. I feel this mixes up my muscle use and helps stave off RSI. I did this after a brief scare in 2005, and I've been RSI-free since.

I just retired my TrackMan Wheel (after about a dozen years of service) for this:

...which I picked up a couple years ago, when it seemed like they might be getting discontinued. The M570 feels nicer, smoother, and more accurate. Not sure how much of that is just due to my TrackMan's age, though.

This ancient thread has an interesting recommendation:

I'm intrigued, though I might just hang onto my M570 for a while. I don't like the idea of replacing its battery, but we'll see how long they last. When I bought, it seemed there were no more wired Logitech trackballs available.