How much hardware does 4K gaming really need?


Feb 27, 2016
Hello, I was looking to buy a new computer in the next 3-4 months depending on when pascal arrives. I do not have any serious limitations on budget as I am going to pay whatever it costs to play AAA games on max settings in 4K with 60 frames (while also trying to avoid hardware overkill) Assuming a 30% - 40% increase in gpu performance (this could be way off), is it likely that 2 Titans would carry me for 3-4 years? This is the first time I have looked into owning a truly high end rig so I don't know how fast games outpace hardware.
4K gaming is still very tough, especially if you want maxed settings and 60 FPS. It's possible that 2 Pascal Titans or pascal 980 Ti replacements might be able to get this done but there is no way to know until we start getting benchmarks on the new cards.

The facts are that even with 2 980 Ti's or Titan X's some games that already exist can't be maxed at 4K with 60 FPS. There is no way of knowing whether two Pascal Titans will be able to do that for the next 3-4 years. My guess is that they won't.


4K gaming is still very tough, especially if you want maxed settings and 60 FPS. It's possible that 2 Pascal Titans or pascal 980 Ti replacements might be able to get this done but there is no way to know until we start getting benchmarks on the new cards.

The facts are that even with 2 980 Ti's or Titan X's some games that already exist can't be maxed at 4K with 60 FPS. There is no way of knowing whether two Pascal Titans will be able to do that for the next 3-4 years. My guess is that they won't.


Feb 20, 2015
as of right now get 2 gtx 1080s in sli and forget the gtx titan xs b/c for a grand for 1 titan x save the extra 400 dollars towards a second gtx 1080 on the custom cards as for the gtx 980 tis they were a grand at their 1st release and dropped prices as time went on can't see any tis coming out anywhere in the near future i'm expecting the custom cards to be out by the end of summer , and tis and titans by the next yr and titans after that


Feb 20, 2015
I have to agree with king I had 2 gtx 970s with medium settings nothing ultra and was getting constant 60 frames on 4k with all the hype about pascal being such a increase was false , with 1 gtx 1080 didn't cut it in 4k , and honestly the lastest video cards isn't always the best as we figured in the past with the drivers


Mar 21, 2012
gtx 1080 ti is sufficient. :)

I got an intel 6700K CPU and an Asus GTX 1080 TI, and it's all maxed out now. With GTX 980 you can already play on 4K, but you need to reduce some settings. Like you can reduce Antialiasing to 2x anyway or even switzch it off, depending on the game.


Feb 20, 2015
that's true in 4 k you really don't need "everything maxed out" b/c of the higher res. makes up for it , I had a 4k but the cards were getting too hot I went to 1080 p 144 hz and had no issues with maxing everything out and not worry about it 4 yrs to come