Motherboard and GPU compatibility question


Apr 2, 2016
Hello, in light of a recent assumed graphics card failure, I've been sniffing around for an immediate replacement, from what I can tell seems to be fitting what I'm after in price and power, but I am completely unsure if it will take any issue with my old motherboard here. If anyone could reassure me that it will work, that would be appreciated.

The card I'm replacing is .

Other things I'm worried about is my windows 7, which is 32 bit and has taken issue with quite a lot of things. And it conflicting with my PSU, Corsair CX 430, which from what I've gathered looking around today, is a pile of garbage, if it's insufficient, I'd be happy to take suggestions on how I could replace that too.

I'm not really looking to make a beast of a computer, I just want it to function again with a little upgrade while I'm at it, pretty much all it gets used for is Final Fantasy XIV and I'm pretty content to have only have high-mid graphics settings. Sorry if my information isn't enough and thank you in advanced!


The 750ti will work fine with both the motherboard and the CX430.

The CX line of PSU's are not of great quality so to say, but the 430W has seemed to be a notch better than it's bigger brothers. You'll be fine.


Mar 31, 2014
The 750ti will be more than fine in your new rig, for two reasons. First, your old card draws 160W and uses a separate power draw from the LP4 connector that you mash into it same as a hard drive while the 750ti only munches 60W and draws directly from the motherboard. It is essentially no more power hungry than an old modem add on card!

Secondly, I just bought one of these and have an even older Core 2 Duo motherboard with a mere 300W power supply, so can tell you having not burnt my house down nor electrocuted my small child that keeps poking things (yet) that it works just fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Moving on to your windows issues, with the amount of cores your CPU has you should most definetly be abusing the 64bit version of Windows 7, undoubtedly. Continuing to use the 32bit is far from an epic train crash, and unless you are using top end graphic applications (not games) and doing other activities that genuinely use multi-cores, the performance increase will be there, but hardly noticeable to you in realtime.

I suggest, as with any hardware upgrade and in fact something you should be doing every 3-6 months anyway, a full OS re-install. There are many tools to help you move your personal data with ease, i'm too lazy to link them but I highly recommend for free and tested by the community applications.

Coming back to your power concerns, as mentioned about, I use a mere 300W PSU and I in fact have 4 hard drives and a few extra fans, no issues, and the i7 interestingly enough, uses significantly LESS power than my old CPU. Stress not grasshopper.

Finally, FF14 will function stupidly well at 1920x1024 with this setup and short of ponying up double the amount for a card, this is the best and most cost effective upgrade you can do. Get it done yo!