Are Nvidia's Pascal GPUs being announced today?

They're being announced fairly soon, until then anything your see, read or hear will be speculation at best or fanboy lies at worst.
Be patient, be vigilant, behave.


Nvidia is playing to the short game, in that there aren't enough DX12 applications to bother including support. The way I look at it, with Nvidia I basically buy the performance I want today. AMD tends to keep releasing updates that gradually increase the performance of their cards. This is sort of good, and bad, depending on how you look at it. Meaning you aren't using the hardware you bought to full advantage until later on, or 'hooray!' it performs a little better later on.


Feb 4, 2013

ive heard that to....from a comment.....on youtube......on a amd vs nvidia debate....... do you have a link to a article on that cause i would like to read it. i havent seen anything about that.


Feb 4, 2013

thank you but i meant on pascal, i havent been able to find anything about pascal's support on async compute and am wondering where people are hearing this or if its just made up to start arguments or something.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

Without actual hardware this isn't really something that can be confirmed for sure. Not only that Nvidia cards today DO have DX12 support, and it supports feature levels on par with AMD, just different levels. While AMD's may be considered to be implemented better (and the whole line and previous cards all handle it) there is no proof to say Nvidia's new cards won't work just as well.

That said I do agree with you that AMD tends to work to keep their older products alive for longer. Heck up until last year they sold the R9 280 and 280x which are essentially the 7950 and 7970 which are over 4 years old. Yet they kept up with their Nvidia contemporaries, and have more DX12 support than Nvidia cards of the same vintage. Thats the benefit.

Are you referring to the AoS tosh?

And there is more where those came from, AMD is just trying to hype up a single game that they have paid the devs to code specifically for their own cards.


Sorry, I guess my wording does imply that Nvidia doesn't offer support for DX12, that wasn't my intention. They just don't have as much as AMD for a given generation of card.

No white papers or architectural documents released yet. Usually quite the read, and they reference older information, so you have to read pretty much the last several documents to get a grasp of what new technologies do compared to older ones.

Personally not that interested this generation. Going to let the rest of you guys do the test run on this new node. :)