Just Cause 3 tearing with vsync forced on in control panel


Apr 10, 2016
I've been having a lot of issues with Just Cause 3's performance on PC and I really shouldn't be, given that I have an i5-4670k OC'd to 4.2GHz, 980 to and 8GB RAM. But the problems persist, most notably in windowed mode. I was having awful screen tear in full screen so I put the game in windowed full screen and it started to freeze for a few seconds every so often and just perform awfully, so I decided to put it back in full screen and try forcing adaptive vsync on in the nvidia control panel, but the game still tears even though it's at 60FPS.

I'm running it on a Samsung 46" HD TV which is 60Hz, but I used to have it and my monitor connected at the same time (which caused me vsync issues before so I disconnected it and only use the tv).

I've had vsync issues in a number of other games as well so I'm wondering if there's something I can do or try to make it work with all of my games properly? Thanks.

Edit: After thinking about it more, could there still be some sort of setting saved from my monitor being connected that it would be syncing the vsync to? Most of my games don't properly vsync so I'm starting to wonder if the problem runs a little deeper. If this is such a thing (or even if it isn't), is there some way to reset the drivers/settings so that it for sure only sees my TV as the possible output to sync to?


Apr 10, 2016

I'm not sure honestly, I had got the monitor second hand but is there a way I can check that? Also, would that matter if it isn't plugged in anymore?


Mar 30, 2016

there should be a serial number on the back somewhere, look for that and search it on google, one you have found it, leave me a link, thanks
P.S. sorry for the very late reply, for some reason my gmail has moved notifications from TomsHardware.co.uk to spam...