i5 6600 vs i5 4690k

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Apr 21, 2016

Hi guys, Im building my first gaming PC soon and im stuck between choosing the i5 6600(Non K) or i5 4690k. I'm looking at having this PC for more than 2 years before I upgrade. The i5 4690k scores better on single and multicore performance (From the source above)

If i get the 4690k i will most likely be overclocking to around 4.4GHz (Or whatever the hyper 212 evo can stand)

If i get the 6600(Non K) Obviously I will not be overclocking (Ive heard that you can OC non K skylakes but it would mean i have to get an aftermarket cooler and a better mobo)

So here are my two possible choices:

i5 6600- http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/sphGmG
Newer generation
Ive heard theres a 5-10% increase over a stock 4690
More 'future proof', easier to upgrade

i5 4690k - http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/YNyQCJ
Will be OC to 4.4GHz
Has apparently better single and multicore performance
Cheaper to get DDR3 and mobo

OR i could save up more and get the 6600k and overclock it - http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/Pzkz8d
BUT this would take me another month or so to save (Im selling things at the moment to get the money)

I know mostly everyone's obvious answer would be the 6600k and OC it but then lets say the i5 4690k and 6600k are OC to 4.4GHz. What performance difference would i be looking at in a game like Arma 3 where it is very CPU intensive.

The question I'm trying to get at is, what performance difference will i be looking at If im spending an extra £70 or so i would want to be seeing a noticeable difference in nearly every game. And is it worth me saving another month to get the 6600k and OC it?

EDIT: I thought it would be useful to mention that I will only really be gaming on here. and general use (Youtube, browsing the web) But one at a time...


you would get a 10% or so boost, but the 4690k is just as good with a small overclock. but I still would recommend skylake because yes you can upgrade to i7 later, and its easier to that way. 6600k is best because of OC. but if it restricts you, get the 4690k and it will do just as good.

otherwise, change the Kingston V300. its a slow SSD and not good. get a Samsung 850EVO or a OCZ Trion
The PSU is bad quality. I recommend a EVGA G2, GS, or GQ line of PSU. and BTW you only need 650 for 1 GPU, not 750. youll need 850 for 2.. a Seasonic 620w would work too


Apr 21, 2016
So you guys think I should get the 4690K and OC it? I mean I can get the 6600K and OC it, it would just take a bit more saving...
Also mentioning its easier for me to upgrade it in the future. In around 2 years (When i would hope to upgrade it) I can just change nearly the whole thing as I hope to actually be earning money by then so it would be easier. Thanks for all your help :)


Unless you are playing exceptionally CPU-intensive games or aim for very high refresh rates, you won't see much of a difference between a stock i5-4690/6600 and an overclocked i5-4690k/6600k. Any of these three CPUs should easily exceed your two years target.

There isn't much point in picking a platform based on "future-proofing" since it is nearly certain that you will need a new platform to accommodate new Intel CPUs two years from now.

Personally, I'd set aside the $100 or so you might save by going non-OC for future upgrades.


Apr 21, 2016
Thank you all for the recommendations :)
If any of you have a bit of time would you be able to put together something on PCPartPicker that's around £750, i want to keep the GPU as the r9 380 and between an i5 4690/k and i5 6600/k but anything else is fine :)
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