New Headphones 70$ budget.

Question from iamcragglE : "New Gaming Headset 70$ or less"

You will not regret the purchase:



you do not want the m40x - its a lower end version of the m50x which has a small soundstage which is not ideal for gaming. i have a m50s myself and while i like it, they are not the most ideal for anyone wanting to be ultra competitive.

take a look at the ad500x, ad700x, hd518 and hd558. none of them are 200ohm (they are 48 and 60ohm respectively) so do not need an amp, only a fairly decent soundcard, the only issue is price difference

on a budget i'd look at a xonar dg or u3 soundcard paired with a ad500x or hd518. that would be a much better sound than the hyper x (even though it is true that the hyper x is good and xonar soundcard does cost a bit...)

if you just wanted the headphones, the hxc is based on the takstar pro 80 which can be found cheaper than yo ucan get the hxc2

For the headphones (they don't have a microphone attached) Zalman Zm-Mic1 is pretty amazing attachable microphone that I use and it's very cheap around $5-$7

Don't get me wrong m40x are really good for music recording and studio however lack depth and aren't really good for gaming if you want to hear someone across the map

sennheiser hd518 is a good all-rounder on a tight budget, it will also have more bass than the 558 when you listen to some music. sennheiser 558 will feel slightly more refined and a bit larger on soundstage though. ultimately all 3 (518, 558, 598) use the same exact drivers...