Nvidia 365.10 driver changes my screen's brightness/gamma/calibration!?


May 8, 2014
This was also happening with the 364.72 driver, however not with the 364.51.
The first time this happened i checked my settings in the NV Control Panel but nothing was changed! To bring back the sweet colours I just need to make a small difference. (e.g. Calibration from 60 to 61, or back to 60 again), but when i launch a game, the screen reverts back...
These are pics from my phone because there's no difference in the screenshots made with Win + Prt Sc. The PC doesn't find a difference, so I had to use a phone to show you what i mean.
Before: http://prnt.sc/azrapx
After: http://prnt.sc/azras6

Thank you.