Gaming and PC Question


Dec 12, 2015
Hey guys, i recently decided to buy batman arkham knight, but i fear that it may not run well on my pc. I have an i3-4130, 8Gb ram and an GTX 960 4GB Gigabyte 3x. But my question is: is the game fixed now ? Or more stable now ? Oh btw im running on a 768p monitor, and i rarely play at ultra settings as i like my fps at 60 stable. Thanks, regards, Gil :)
That will run it with Med/Low settings, and 1600x900. You might get a bit of lag in the Batmobile, but that's normal.

I have that game on Steam and got it free with an Nvidia card purchase. Apparently newer reviews on Steam say they've finally patched it enough to be playable, so your mileage may vary. It still does not support multi-GPUs and the hacks for SLI support do not scale well, so that's a deal breaker for me at 1440p resolution and I gave up. But users with 960s are reporting fine performance at 1080p. You will be more than fine at 1024x768.