Is this CPU (AMD A8-7600 3.1 GHz) good for the price?


Apr 20, 2016
Is this CPU (AMD A8-7600 3.1 GHz) good enough for games like CSGO and the Total War series? Can it even run GTAV at medium settings, which I know is quite a cpu intensive game. It costs around $130US. If not can you please if you can, recommend any cpu around the $100 - $200 price range.

A A8 7600 retails new for $72, I picked one up for $40. I can tell you from experience that it will do GTA V @ 1080p in normal settings at around 30fps and at some points drop into the teens. If you have a FM2 board and a GPU then look at the AthlonX4 860K and overclock, that will easily stay above 30fps. If you have just the FM2 board and no GPU then a A10-7860k $119 is a better option, moderately overclocked it will also stay above 30fps in most titles provided you have Ram with a speed above 1866mhz.

If you have a GPU these are better but on other platforms, a I3 6300 $133, FX 8300 $119, FX 6300 $90ish will fair better than most APU's especially the FX chips when you overclock.


A A8 7600 retails new for $72, I picked one up for $40. I can tell you from experience that it will do GTA V @ 1080p in normal settings at around 30fps and at some points drop into the teens. If you have a FM2 board and a GPU then look at the AthlonX4 860K and overclock, that will easily stay above 30fps. If you have just the FM2 board and no GPU then a A10-7860k $119 is a better option, moderately overclocked it will also stay above 30fps in most titles provided you have Ram with a speed above 1866mhz.

If you have a GPU these are better but on other platforms, a I3 6300 $133, FX 8300 $119, FX 6300 $90ish will fair better than most APU's especially the FX chips when you overclock.


Jun 1, 2016
From watching geekawhat's $200 gaming build which uses this apu, I do believe that it is indeed good enough to run most of the total war games (probably not Warhammer) at good frames 720p easily, and some of the older titles at high settings 1080p. CSGO will get around a good 60+ fps medium settings 1080p or ultra settings 720p 60+ fps. GTA 5 will also run but if you have slower ram, it won't pump out as many frames. I suggest 1866mz+ ram as that will provide good performance. This Apu is quite good for a budget build and will allow you to play most games out, but probably not all games at 1080p. Here's the link to GeekaWhat's build.


May 22, 2016
I'm with the latter part of delaro's comment. You don't want to spend money on new components to game at 30FPS..that's ridiculous and you won't have a good experience gaming. You could get a used FX 6300 with a motherboard and RAM for 200$. maybe cheaper if you look on local classifieds.

APU's are meant for extremely light gaming and basic computing, not high-end games like GTA V.