shared folder between win 10 and win 7


Mar 22, 2011
Hi all;

So I use my windows 10 box as a "media server" it has been working GREAT ever since I set it up however I have now scanned in another 5 dvd's into the share folder, on the windows 10 computer I can see them play them fine but I like to manage that computer from my windows 7 computer either using team-viewer or going through shared folders as the "media server" is in the cupboard with no screen.
The problem I am having is I can see everything from when I originally shared the folders but nothing new is showing up almost as if the folder inst getting updated/refreshed, just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this as in the future I would like to scan DVD's to the windows 7 computer and transfer them over the network to the "media server" but if cant get the folder to update I dont know if it will work, Also my raspberry pi cant pick up the new files that have been added so I cant play them on the TV, its getting VERY frustrating.

So far I have rebooted EVERYTHING on the network and tried to share the folders again with no luck

at the bottom of the folder it has
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Cheers TIA