Should I Wait for custom card or should i just buy reference(founders)


Jan 29, 2016
So im going to upgrade to a 1070/1080 (depending on how they compare on release) . problem is ,should i wait a few weeks more just so that i can get my hands on a custom card (or aib as others call it)If i should wait, do you know any good custom models i should look out for(eg:asus strix ,gigabyte windforce)
Well, first of all, it's going to be very hard to get one of those cards within the first couple weeks of release. They should sell out very quickly and get snapped up when new stock becomes available. So you may not have a choice but to wait and by that time, custom models may be available.

Even without that situation, you would still want to wait. With Pascal, custom cooling and enhanced power availability will make a big difference. There's also the possibility that custom cards will be cheaper than the Founder's Edition, which has an extra $100 tacked on to the base price. So by waiting, you should get more performance and more value.
Well, first of all, it's going to be very hard to get one of those cards within the first couple weeks of release. They should sell out very quickly and get snapped up when new stock becomes available. So you may not have a choice but to wait and by that time, custom models may be available.

Even without that situation, you would still want to wait. With Pascal, custom cooling and enhanced power availability will make a big difference. There's also the possibility that custom cards will be cheaper than the Founder's Edition, which has an extra $100 tacked on to the base price. So by waiting, you should get more performance and more value.