Best GPU for i5-4460 ?


Hi. I decided to buy new PC soon. It's gonna be Intel i5-4460 processor.

But I don't know what's best combination ? I mean, which GPU would be best pair with this CPU ?

I found in store GTX 750 Ti where I will buy new PC

They recommends me this GPU with that processor. I don't know to choose wisely, so help me please !
You shouldn't have an issue running ANY GPU gaming card currently being sold, with that CPU. From the GTX 1080 down to the lowliest GPU you can get, that CPU should be able to handle it fine. The 750 TI is an entry level gaming card though, so don't expect terrific performance from it. If you can afford a higher tiered card, and expect to game at 1080p or higher resolutions with above medium settings, meaning high or ultra, on any demanding games, you'll want something more powerful than the 750 TI. Even the GTX 950 would be a better choice than that but you'll also want to make sure that you have a capable PSU of sufficient capacity, not a cheap OEM or off brand PSU, if you do go with a higher end card.


Oh.. Well, it's 500W PSU. All I know about it.

So, which GPU should be good up to 200€ for good gaming performances ? I'll actually play Watch Dogs mostly. But that game is horribly bad optimized and you need very good GPU for 50+ Fps on High-Ultra..

So, what to do ?
What is the model number of your power supply. How many watts it is isn't likely to be the most important factor, as a cheap 500w unit can often only manage to sustain about half of that rated wattage before burning up or just dying, unlike a unit of acceptable quality. There should be a sticker on the power supply somewhere that lists it's specifications and model number, often the brand is listed there as well.

For your budget range, I'd say this would be a good choice:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB Superclocked Video Card (€195.89 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €195.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-06-05 09:39 CEST+0200

Much better than the 750 TI.


Hey. In that store I found GTX 950 and GTX 960.
950 is little bit better than 750 Ti, but it shows really better performance in gaming tuhan 750 Ti.
960 is waaay better than both these two. But it's also much more expensive.

This PC with GTX 750 Ti is around 63.000 RSD (Serbian dinnars) = 510 €