Disabling C1E crashes game


Nov 26, 2013

MoBo: Asus M5a97 Evo R2.0

I encountered a strange problem today. Swaped out my Fx 6300 with Fx 8350. OCd it to 4500Mhz by setting CPU Ratio to 22.5. (Previously had 6300 OCd to 4100Mhz)

Also, I have always had advanced CPU configuration to auto. But today, after watching a OC video, I disabled C1E, and kept Cool n' Quiet to Always Enabled. However, my game crashes if disable C1E for some reason. When I turn it back to Enable, everything seems to be working fine. AFAIK, C1E shouldn't give any problems. Is their a problem with my new CPU?

Games tried: Batman Arkham Knight and GTA V