Will rx 480 bottleneck this pc



Hi guys I heard that the rx specs have been released but I don't get how to see if it is compatible or not I'm a newb at building computers my PC specs are in my signature.
I'm looking to play on 1920 x 1080 and ultra on games

Thanks guys have a nice day!!
There's no reason for a GTX 1070 at $400 (or so) when an RX 480 will do what he asks at $200. And this is at 1080p, that will be sufficient.

It depends on what resolution you are planning to use it and what detail level you want.
Now that you have added details, you need GTX 1070 for minimum 60FPS on ultra.
AMD does not have anything at that level in near future. May be towards end of the year.
But with that card, your CPU might become a bottleneck in a game or two. But that will usually happen after you cross 60FPS - not really important

I doubt RX 480 will be able to handle EVERY released game on ultra @ 1080p. Not to mention upcoming.


Aug 14, 2015
Toning down graphics a little bit is worth saving $200 (in my opinion anyways), to each their own. I never said every game, I said high+ aside from a few games, like Star Citizen. The Rx 480 should be able to handle upcoming games @ 1080p, yes, 1080p isn't demanding. If this, however, were 1440p or 4k, I would agree. But there's really no justification at a $200 price difference. Plus, the OP was not asking on what card he should get, he was asking if the 480 was compatible.

And if you read the question, you'll see that he says ultra@1080p. My only assumption is that he also wants at least 60fps.
So RX 480 can not do that. May be in a year, 200$ gfx card will be able to do it. Today, it's 400$ card.
And BTW, I have 1920x1200 monitor (~10% more pixels over 1080p) and yet, I'll buy GTX 1070 (I killed my card yesterday :) ) since it's the cheapest card that meets my requirements. But yeah, I'll wait till prices come to 400$ or less.


May 28, 2015

I honestly have doubts that the 1070 will be able to do it in the short future.

I agree with getting the RX 480 for now

Well ... You can not have RX 480 for now and guess at least for another month. Look what happens with 1000 series. The production of 16nm GPUs is not ramped up. AMD will have the same issues.
1070 seems a good candidate to do the 1080p@60fps for couple of years.