780ti or wait for 480?


May 20, 2016
Hey :) I was thinking of getting a rx 480 on release but i'm confused...

i saw that i can get a 780ti SC for $225 - $235. a few people online said that it is almost as good as a 980 without it being superclocked but i also prefer nvidia so that's why i'm iffy about the rx 480 but idk if that's a smart choice to buy a 780ti and wanted your guy's opinion..

thanks :)
No one really knows for sure. The general assumption is that the 480 will be a good card but until they open it up for testing it is all speculation.

Also the 780ti doesn't quite match a 980. Read this for some testing
This was done on early drivers for the 980 which have since improved, even so the 980 was on average 10% faster stock and more if you bothered to overclock it (which is fair since the "superclocked" is over clocked from the factory.

But, I suppose the real question is when do you want your video card?



you should be looking for a used gtx 970

980 > 970 > 780 ti


Jun 26, 2016
I'm an owner of a Gigabyte 780 ti oc . This card is total piece of crap cuz of it's 3GB only vram for 650€ when i bought it (that's for Nvidia earn money out of extremely expensive titan cards). i was thinking of buying another 780 ti for sli when i was buying my 780 ti in 2014 but it turned out to be no worth in 2016 cuz of it's less vram. So if I'm you i would invest my money on getting any of RX 480 8GB version so you can get another one in future for cross fire.
Also consider that a 780 Ti is starting to show its age now.

It uses more power and gets hotter than the next-gen cards, it is likely to give less performance in DX12 games and its driver support might not be quite at the cutting edge any more - as the main focus from Nvidea will be the 9XX and 10XX platform.

Not to mention the fact it has only 3GB vram which might not be an issue atm for 1080p, but in the next year or two it will be if you want to max your settings.

I'd wait until the custom cards are released (RX 480) and check out the reviews and benchmarks then. You may well decide to get a reference card anyway, but at least give yourself the option. Custom cards won't appear on the 29th, it will likely be another 3 or 4 weeks.