P.C Or Laptop?


Sep 20, 2015
I wanted a laptop because I could move it around but my friend said that laptops don't have a graphics card and that the CPU didn't matter as much. This is the best i found http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315302&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-VigLink2-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3821802&SID=ipugq8dfq7000aau00053

I'm going to use it for simple gaming and YouTube. If it could have fast internet that would be great. Budget is $400. I'm in the USA.

I tried building my P.C-https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
i already bought a power supply, speakers, keyboard, mouse and monitor.
If you guys could recommend any other builds...
So overall which is better, the P.C Or Laptop?
@Trafalgar747, the OP listed their budget in the first post. $400.

Considering the budget, a desktop is out of reach if you have to include peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse) and an OS. If the OP has a monitor/keyboard/mouse, it's just about doable.

A laptop provides a portable solution, which is it's only real benefit. Desktops don't provide that, but allow for much more 'raw' power.

If you want raw power, a desktop would be your best bet.
If you want portability, a laptop.

Either way, $400 is a little on the low side.
A laptop is a PC so the question is really which do you want, a desktop PC or a laptop PC? Your friend is right concerning the graphics cards of laptop PCs, but if you buy a desktop PC you have to consider the expense of a monitor and other peripherals such as keyboard and mouse.

There is a lot to consider.


Retired Moderator
@Trafalgar747, the OP listed their budget in the first post. $400.

Considering the budget, a desktop is out of reach if you have to include peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse) and an OS. If the OP has a monitor/keyboard/mouse, it's just about doable.

A laptop provides a portable solution, which is it's only real benefit. Desktops don't provide that, but allow for much more 'raw' power.

If you want raw power, a desktop would be your best bet.
If you want portability, a laptop.

Either way, $400 is a little on the low side.
http://pcpartpicker.com/list/MszFd6 This includes keyboard/mouse and the monitor has inbuilt speakers. This should be able to play latest games at decent settings at 1366x768 resolution. If you dont need a monitor/mouse and keyboard you can settle for 1080p gaming. For laptop gaming for $400 the best option would be an i3 6100 laptop with integrated Intel HD 520 graphics which isnt to bad for 720p but will be very underpowered compared to this desktop. My bad, accidental added a psu, just ignore that your psu is alright.


Sep 20, 2015

I already have a monitor and mouse and keyboard.


Sep 20, 2015

$400 Budget. Yes I do want the portability.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315302&cm_re=E5-574G-54Y2_acer-_-34-315-302-_-Product This is probably the best you can get for gaming, anything and you will be getting complete junk for gaming.

http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-940M.138027.0.html This shows the benchmarks in games of the GTX 940m which is what your laptop has, as you can see it can play game like BF4 at low/medium settings at 1366x768 resolution which is pretty decent considering the price of the laptop. Just a reminder, for the same price you can get a desktop alot more powerful than this for the same price, and i mean alot more.