Boot windows with SSD but Desktop on HDD


No. Nor should you.
The "Desktop" folder is part of your /User/ data. And that, you do NOT want to move.

If you like having lots of 'stuff' on your desktop, have shortcuts to locations elsewhere.



No. Nor should you.
The "Desktop" folder is part of your /User/ data. And that, you do NOT want to move.

If you like having lots of 'stuff' on your desktop, have shortcuts to locations elsewhere.
Well, you can mount partition from HDD to empty folder on SSD.
You would need to do this from another account with admin privileges.
1.Create partition on HDD
2. Move all files (hidden too) from c:\users\yourusername\Desktop to the new partition
3. Mount that partition to folder c:\users\yourusername\Desktop

Done. Enjoy. :)

yeah I can mount partitions as a folder but still I have to access through a folder. I better off accessing it directly.

So guys does that mean other personal folders will also be installed on SSD like Music, Videos, Documents... (I don't use them anyway)



Music/Video/Doc can be trivially relocated. Built in functionality.
See this:
Win 7 & 8:
Win 8.1 & 10:

It is best practice to "overprovision" your SSD as to avoid accidentaly filling it, which should never be done as it degrades performance. That means resizing the main partition so that it has 10% of the SSDs capacity unpartitioned at the end.
If you have a Samsung SSD, the excellent Samsung Magician software has the option to do this.

It should look like this, respecting proportions.

Thanks for a brilliant suggestion. Might as well shrink it so that my SSD has little to no space for storing additional items other than those originally

It's best to do this. I consider myself to be a very saavy computer user, yet i still managed once to fill a 120GB SSD by accidentally not setting the proper destination on a large download. Lesson learned. I always over provision.

lesson 1: get a 3TB SSD and not worry about anything
lesson 2: stop dreaming