Directx 12 vs Windows 7

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Apr 21, 2012

I'm aware that Directx 12 is Win10 only. That being said, I've been reading that the new series of cards (1060+) are designed wth Dx 12 in mind.

I have Windows 7 & for now, that's probably not changing.

How will this inhibit a 1060+'s performance should I upgrade my 970 to a 1060 or better?


Why would you not upgrade to windows 10 for free? seems silly, MS is doing everyone a huge favor by allowing you to upgrade a 2 generation old operating system at no cost.

Short answer is no, it won't inhibit performance enough to deter you from buying it.
See the games will still have DX11 and DX9 built in, you'll just run it on those - no problems.
Sure you might not be the most optimized for effects, might be missing some advanced graphic features, but again it doesn't actually hurt the performance of the card.

That said the 1060 isn't going to be a massive improvement over your 970, not enough to warrant the purchase IMO.


Aug 25, 2013

because it is cancer...always ask yourself what's in it for them if they give it to you for free.
windows 7 for me as well until they kill it...then moving on to linux, too bad linux is going to give me a headache with the coding, but still better than having to go into chemo sessions after w10
Upgrade to win 10 while you still can for free.

There are already a few games released that don't work on win 7, expect that number to increase substantially in the future.

If you're running a gaming PC it makes no sense whatsoever to not take the free upgrade while its there.


Apr 21, 2012
I have my concerns of Windows 10.

I've heard good things. And I've heard very bad things.

I definitely recognize the value of the upgrade, free or not, if only for Directx 12. But I do have to agree with at least one comment here. Beware Romans bearing gifts. I'm suspect when a company, such as MS, just GIVES something for free that they're soon to charge X amount for after a grace period. I've also seen reports that Windows 10 may change to a subscription per month "service." Whether that's true or not, meh, who knows. But...

I've also seen the laundry list of privacy settings and changes necessary to prevent the OS from basically playing "Big Brother," of a sort, and I'm not really down with that.

Heck, I only recently jumped to 7 from XP. And I still miss XP honestly...

I'm likely going to buy a 1070. I just listed 1060+ due to the architecture of the boards' design in the 10 series.

If certain settings are the only true loss by not using Directx 12, then perhaps updating to Windows 10 isn't critical.

Someone mentions games are already out that won't run on Windows 7. New one on me. Any games of relevance?


Aug 25, 2013
the one with the games not working is new to me as well...up until this moment i never heard of this, only the other way around; games working on 7 not working on 10...
if you decide to remain on w7 like me, do this:
uninstall the following updates and hide them...because microsoft is full of asscracks they will make the updates show again as if they had just released them, even if you made them become hidden a while ago...just hide them again and show your middle finger to them. what the updates do is check your pc to see if it is ready for the upgrade and install that crappy w10 upgrade popper that so many complain about that it made them automatically upgrade without free, shove them down the throat of the upgrade recycle bin



Apr 21, 2012

Yeah. I use the Win10 "NeverWin10" blocker. And I think I have those uninstalled already, as I recall :).

I generally don't like Win10's invasion of my privacy. I know there's a little give and take there, and in okay with "a little." The problem is, Win10 goes way past a little in my opinion. And I'm not okay with that.

If anyone knows anything about this "games already being made to not work on Win7" thing, if be interested to hear more.

And I'm down to hear both sides of the discussion. Especially if you've comments on my last post.

I'm just looking for reasons to go one way or the other or what :)

I'm sure -at today games, and future games- will suport DX 11 for some years, but slowly, they will drop the DX 11 to jump to DX 12.

At today, nothing to worry, just keep w7 if you want, and get GTX 1070/GTX 1060. All features like you said "Big brother" can be disabled btw.


Aug 25, 2013
check this out , it's about the fact that even if you disable some stuff in w10, it will still not matter that much...


Apr 21, 2012
I'm absolutely certain that eventually it will be DX12+ or go home. You're definitely not wrong.


Man, that article is concerning. And it's any wonder why people are "tin foil hat" concerning Win10...

I don't blame them. Heck, I might BE them.


Apr 21, 2012
I think a prime concern, on my end, is they over the years I've garnered a great deal of data. Some of which maybe not have proper liscencing, because reasons.

I've heard horror stories about Win10, to be blunt, purging items of said questionable origins.

Since I don't have Win10. And... neither does basically anyone I know... I don't really have firsthand experience concerning this particular worry.

Anyone have a story (good or bad) on the subject?

Are you referring to this?
You are aware that if you own an android , windows or Apple phone that you've been spied on since the day you switched it on ??

& to a much bigger extent than Microsoft.

Unless of course you keep data & location settings disabled in which case you may aswell drag that old nokia 3330 out of the loft


Apr 21, 2012
I am aware my iPhone is a data strainer. But overall, I don't use my iPhone in the same manner that I use my computer.

And I've got gigabytes upon gigabytes of data, that were it to be expunged for any reason at all, I would not be able to recover it, as it's far too old to be found.

I use Steam. And other Cloud services. So I know full well my data is seen by more eyes than my own :). The trick is, the data collection inherent to Win10 concerns me in how it's being done & what MS is doing to convince people that Win10 is the greatest thing since sliced bread...

Actually I do but the MP3 player and torch are much better on my Galaxy than that crusty old Nokia! :lol:
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