Looking for a small-footprint 32-bit Bootable Linux ISO

I'm trying to see if a laptop I have can be rescued. The laptop came to me without a HDD and is old and low-spec.

Here's what I got:

HP Pavilion dv2000 Model dv2416us
RAM: 2GB DDR2 (maximum)
Processor: AMD Turion 64 X2 (TL-56) 1.8GHz

There seems to be issues with BIOS settings if the machine is left without main power for some period of time. I'd guess that the CMOS battery is kaput, but I'm loathe do open the case and dig in to see if I can locate it. For now I'm just pressing F1 after a period with no power.

Ram checks out fine.

I've tried booting a few copies of Linux mint I have lying around on CDs. They do boot up the initial menu, but after that the process seems to hang indeterminately long.

So I'm wondering if there is a 32-bit Linux with a really small footprint that may be more appropriate to use to test this laptop with?

Thanks for all advice.
Try Knoppix, it's built more for this kind of stuff. I pointed you to an official mirror with this link. First link is their main page, second link points to one of their mirrors. Be sure to grab the one that says KNOPPIX_V7.6.1DVD-2016-01-16-EN.iso. That will contain all the tools you will want as well as a 32-bit and 64-bit kernel



Feb 27, 2013
Try Knoppix, it's built more for this kind of stuff. I pointed you to an official mirror with this link. First link is their main page, second link points to one of their mirrors. Be sure to grab the one that says KNOPPIX_V7.6.1DVD-2016-01-16-EN.iso. That will contain all the tools you will want as well as a 32-bit and 64-bit kernel


Much appreciated!