upgrading to gtx 1060 or radeon 480

Jul 23, 2016
i want to upgrade to gtx 1060 when or radeon rx 480 . i had a gtx 650 which was working perfectly . and currently have a 750ti equipped and its working. i want to know if my pc can fit or handle gtx 1060 or rx 480. i dont know whats my psu or motherboard . my screen is 1600×900 . core i5 3ghz . 8gb ddr3 ram . pls help me . if the above cards dont work for me , advise me of a card that can run any game on max settings with my pc . dont really care about the bidget . but i wont push to 500$ .
For $400 I see two directions you can take this. If you want to focus on the performance of graphically intensive games like Witcher 3 I would do a 1060 with a budget 24" 1080p monitor like this: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mWV48d/benq-monitor-gl2460hm

Otherwise if you want to head the direction of a 144Hz setup (for high framerates in DOTA 2 or CS:GO if you play) you could go for a GTX 960 and a cheaper 144Hz monitor like this: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PmyFf7/acer-monitor-umfg6aab01
I would not get either card if you are only playing at 1600x900, it would be a waste of money. The absolute most I would spend for a GPU for that monitor would be a GTX 960 (which is still excessive). Are you unsatisfied with your current performance in some games? Which ones and at what settings?
Jul 23, 2016
im currently a bit satisfied by 750ti in dota 2 . maxed out 60solid fps when pressured. yet unsatisfied while playing witcher 3 . really a small resolution and want to max out that game . i need to see the maxed settings on stable 30-60 fps . and btw my monitor only has a VGA cable (blue CRT) so i think i might upgrade my monitor . thx for the replay timeconsumer . if u can help me choose a new monitor. and choose between a 4gb gtx 960 or 2gb 960 . i really want something to max out games and have no fps problem . i really appreciate your help man :)
For $400 I see two directions you can take this. If you want to focus on the performance of graphically intensive games like Witcher 3 I would do a 1060 with a budget 24" 1080p monitor like this: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mWV48d/benq-monitor-gl2460hm

Otherwise if you want to head the direction of a 144Hz setup (for high framerates in DOTA 2 or CS:GO if you play) you could go for a GTX 960 and a cheaper 144Hz monitor like this: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PmyFf7/acer-monitor-umfg6aab01