Stick to haswell or upgrade to skylake?


Jan 11, 2015
Hi guys! my current build is i3 2100 6gb ram and gtx 960 so my problem is should I build a new pc which is skylake? this pc that I'll build will be my personal pc because this pc I'm currently using is a family computer or should I stick with this haswell and upgrade to 1060 and 2nd hand i7 3770? and dwell with my siblings to play this computer too

so to sum it up
i5 6500
8gb ram ddr4
gtx 960
*personal pc*


i7 3770 *2nd hand*
8gb ram ddr3
gtx 1060
Just so you know, none of those CPUs are actually Haswell. i3 2100 is Sandy Bridge, and 3770 is Ivy Bridge.

That being said, the 1060 and the 3770 would edge out the 960 and the 6500 in games - but you would have to share with the whole family, heh tough one. I'd go with the option that allows me to have my own computer. Either would be fine for 1080P gaming.


Jan 11, 2015

I know right, 1060 with i7 will just be a beast in games but the sad thing will be I wouldn't play it as much as I can play when I have my personal pc :(

Question from Celsius22 : "Stick to haswell or upgrade to skylake?"

your best course of action, though, would be neither option you stated, but this one:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor ($110.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: *Asus H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: *Crucial 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($29.99 @ Adorama)
Other: GTX 1060 6GB
Total: $190.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-26 11:20 EDT-0400

As far as gaming goes, the i3 is sufficient and it's not worth downgrading teh GPU to get an i5. Plus, having the newest platform, you can upgrade in a cpuple of years if needed.

Look at the gaming benchmarks here:
That is an i3 6100 equivalent vs an i5 6600.


Just so you know, none of those CPUs are actually Haswell. i3 2100 is Sandy Bridge, and 3770 is Ivy Bridge.

That being said, the 1060 and the 3770 would edge out the 960 and the 6500 in games - but you would have to share with the whole family, heh tough one. I'd go with the option that allows me to have my own computer. Either would be fine for 1080P gaming.


Jan 11, 2015

Thanks for the info man! btw I'll be going to the skylake build because I realized that I shouldn't settle to a 2nd hand cpu because it will be dangerous and also bnew skylake will be much more appealing if that's the term and also I just bought 960 last year and I shouldn't buy a gpu every year. If i'll buy gtx 1060 now next year there will be a card better than it that will be more bang for the buck. I should settle for my 960 right now as It just gives me the performance I want in the games I'm playing :)