GTX 1070 very difficult to seat - ok to use the second PCI E slot?


Jul 26, 2016
Hi folks,

New account, first post here. For the record, I'm working with a EVGA GTX 1070, a Coolermaster Haf X case, and an Asus z87 Sabertooth mobo. Reasonably savvy, but not a genius. This is my third build.

I had a hell of a time getting this card to seat in the primary PCI E slot, and like an idiot, while I was working on it, I accidentally snapped the lever on the slot. Because of that, and the overall size of the card and difficulty lining up the screws, I ended up putting it in the secondary slot. Everything seems to work fine, although it makes the cables but up against the side of the case - that's at least something I can fix easily enough. Anything to worry about there?

Thank you so much in advance!