Hard Drive Issues and Woes


Dec 8, 2015
I was so excited today when I recieved my 1TB WD HDD in the mail and to finally complete my build. I downloaded Windows 7 onto my SSD and it booted up no problem. However, when looking at my system files, my SSD was showing up :)C/) but my HDD was nowhere to be found. I turned off the remove drives with nothing stored search filter option but it still wasn't there. I went into the Disk Manager, and it was just unallocated space. My computer stated that it would need to initialize the drive into a MBR. I agreed, but the initialization failed with a cyclic redundancy check. It also will not format. Please help me.
Hey there, @HackisonJD!

I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience with your brand new 1 TB WD HDD! :( I'd recommend you to try the HDD using a different SATA cable and connecting it to another SATA port on the motherboard. If the CRC error still occurs, find another PC where you can plug the WD drive and attempt to format it from there. I'd also advise you to download WD's Data LifeGuard Diagnostics for Windows and run the QUICK and EXTENDED tests from it. They will help us determine the health and SMART status of the hard drive.

Keep me posted with the results!


Dec 8, 2015

Hey, thanks for responding! I tried connecting the HDD to all different SATA ports in the mobo and to all different SATA cables I had. I called WD and I'm RMAing it.